Bar Owner and Author Jacob A. Didier of Binghamton (1865-1935)

I did some digging into the career of Jacob “Jake” A. Didier, an obscure figure from American cocktail history who seems to have been the Big Man in Binghamton, and managed to self-publish a cocktail book in 1909. Thanks to Martin Doudoroff and David Wondrich for the assists! Probably the biggest find: the building that housed his final saloon still stands!


I love this stuff!

The recipes in his book need further examination. It seems he just appended addendums with each edition. I’ve added a few to Total Mixology, but I hope more worthwhile entries turn up. I haven’t even begun looking at the punches, of which there are an unusual number.

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What’s the spec on the Eagles Punch? I’m stunned that I never thought of the FOE in connection to the Eagle’s Dream, probably because I was drinking a whole bottle of Harry McElhone’s version when the Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl….

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Here are his Eagle’s Fizz and Eagle’s Punch recipes:

CleanShot 2024-09-24 at 08.30.13@2x

Both look credible. The combo of claret and (presumably) white Rhine wine in the punch is an interesting touch.

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My son was in Binghamton this past weekend and noticed the top floor of the building where Didier had his final bar is for lease. A chance for some imaginative cocktail bar entrepreneur!