The Oxford Companion to Spirits & Cocktails

It has arrived!

This thread is a semi-official place for discussion and logging errata—however minor—with @Splificator presiding.

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I’ll start:

  • the MotAC entry (p. 491) should probably include Ted Haigh in cross-references
  • Annene Kaye’s name is misspelled twice in the photo caption on p.737
  • might as well adjust the Douglas Ankrah entry :frowning:
  • p. 325, 6th line, “socktails” → “cocktails”
  • Pedro Chicote article states five books in first paragraph and eight in the third

Thanks, Martin! And yes, whatever errors you find–short of the insoluble large philosophical ones–please do drop them in this thread. It is my hope that at some point we’ll be able to fix them.


On page one, Dionysos is spelled “Dionysus”, but I’ve become accustomed to the misspelling and am thinking of changing my name to accomodate the most common error.

Sorry about that! I’ll try to change it for now, and if you do change your name we’ll change it back.

Super! I’m also thinking of adding a 3 in the middle of my first name (silent, of course); will keep you posted.

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Mi amigo, you know we’ll just try to work that in, too. We might not support it, but we will report it.

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I’ll be critical of myself here, and say that for the “Korenwijn” entry, research I conducted very recently (like this year) hints strongly that Bols invented the entire Corenwyn/Korenwijn category when they registered a trade mark for “Corenwyn” (which remains trademarked - “Korenwijn” or “Korenwyn” is how other companies describe their product) in 1971. The entry should also specify that Corenwyn/Korenwijn isn’t required to contain juniper berry at all, but if it does, the resulting product may be termed “Corenwyn/Korenwijn Genever” instead of (merely) Corenwyn/Korenwijn.

I think the solution is to just stop doing research. Seriously, though, should there be a full second edition, we’ll ask you to incorporate that. Genever seems like such a simple category until you look at it closely.

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Just wanted to mention that I am adding edits to my post above, rather than creating a new post for every new edit.

That said, I’m not finding a lot. Whoever was proofing did a pretty good job!

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First of all,
Thank you @Splificator and Noah for making such an amazing task of work, a reality :boom:
I will definitely apply @martin’s tip for updating the same post :+1:

This one is on me. I put five in the intro, but eight’s the actual number. Looking at my original text, there was no number in the third paragraph so I assume this was added by the editor. Who then missed the wrong number in the first paragraph. I think.

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That would be me and that’s exactly what happened. We will correct it in the next printing, if it’s not too late.

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It bothers me that “El Presidente” and “El Tesoro” are alphabetized under “E”. I should probably get over it.


Ok, this will look self-serving, but it’s a correction: page 164, third paragraph, “Cocktails (created by CocktailDB)” should read “Cocktails (created by Martin Doudoroff and Ian Baird)”

Added this to the list of corrections. I hope we’ll be able to get them into the next printing, pretty soon.

Pineau des Charentes is capitalized in the entry title, but in the entry body it’s “pineau des Charentes” when not starting a sentence. I believe it’s also like this (lowercase p) in the mistelle entry, so I think just the entry title may be improperly capitalized.

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Uh oh–precisely the sort of error that I am worst equipped to detect. Thanks!

I’d never have noticed had I not been using the book as a style guide already!

Madeira is not capitalized only on the “aldehydes” entry.

p 17 Harry “MacElhone” twice