Sangrita recipes and history?


I know, i know, im late to the sangrita party. Im currently doing R&D for a mexican styled menu at my bar - sangrita popped up on my radar and away i go - and there are hundreds if recipes.

Firstly. Id like to make this a nice thread for posting your favorite if you have one, recipe for sangrita. But id also like to knownif theres any extended history on this thing, like when did tomato start being an ingredient - it seems theres a purist version that uses no tomato juice at all.

So far ive tried both varieties- following links from Morganthalers blog and a few ither places.

Ive also tried a third one using everything from bother recipes. I think the mian issue im havingnis that i like all of them , the tomato one feels like a close relative to a bloody mary.

Another thing id like to ask about is that a completo - or even going as far toncombine them into an “el vampiro shooter” feels strikingly close in terms of ingredients to a tequila sunrise.

Is a tequila sunrise not just a deconstructed sangrita - sans tomato?

Is there any history connection there at all or did they just exist independently of each other or is it something we may just never know?

Anyway - if you have any baller sangrita recipes drop em here - id love to know what things inspire your choices around them - and i have something im going to try. ill upload that in a post once i have tried it though - surprises galore…

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Interesting topic. There was a period where Sangrita seemed like it was everywhere, but now that you raise the question, I realize haven’t been offered the stuff in many years, here or in Mexico. (Granted, I haven’t been going to Jalisco.)

I don’t have any historical resources for you, but as someone obsessed with Mexican cooking, I’m 99.99% sure that Sangrita has always been as idiosyncratic as anything else in that sphere: everybody makes their own version. Morgenthaler seems to believe Sangrita traces back to a specific enough place that there might be a fairly narrow origin recipe—might want to ask him.

I don’t see why. Both employ mainstream ingredients that complement each other in countless parallel combinations.

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I just realized there’s a Sangrita entry in the Oxford (p. 617) written by Misty Kalkofen that traces sangrita to a specific restaurant in Chalapa, 1925. According to the entry, Sangrita is a liquid form of the chile-and-salt-seasoned orange slice accompaniment, and the gradual infiltration of tomato juice during the ensuing decades is probably the influence of the ubiquitous and thematically-similar Bloody Mary.


I don’t know why i didn’t check here first - it’s a solid entry, piecing togther everything from articles it seems pretty culturally significant but with the same kind of mythos as falernum in some cases. Following the link in the sources

It’s interesting the ingredients he mentions include grapefruit, garlic, herbs and making his own salsa - seems like it’s specifically Salsa Cholula.

I can imagine if it had tomato in that component it that would explain where someone may have taken a few liberties if they were to simplify the production process which was described as taking a lot of effort. The tomato dominant one does just feel like a Bloody-mary shot - some recipes i’ve come across employing worcestershire sauce and salt and pepper - like you said, it’s pretty idiosyncratic so i’ll trial and error this as i go.

I suppose It’s time to go get some cholula.

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I can’t comment on the drink history, but I’ve always enjoyed the diverse sangritas served at Leyenda – just as often used as an ingredient in a larger cocktail than on its own.

I was surprised Ivy Mix’s book doesn’t have sangrita listed in the index, but there are some recipes attributed to Leyenda out there on the internet. I haven’t made them, so I can’t personally verify that these specific recipes are baller. But if they’re what’s served at the bar, I remember them being delicious.

Rizzo Sangrita
Papaya and Carrot Sangrita (used in their Michelada)
Sangrita Roja (uses tomato)

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So, i’ve made a few batches now using Morganthalers template,

I dropped the lime Juice down a touch but the thing that really changed and boosted the flavor was altering the grenadine recipe, I feel the grenadine change is worth the effort but really any grenadine you make by hand will be at home in this recipe.

The grenadine I used for the first batch was straight out of tropical standard - but i’ve altered the recipe to use the peels of the orange, three large Naval oranges yeilds roughly 60g of peel which is used in the Grenadine recipe. the three oranges yeild roughly 300ml also which is just the right amount of juice required to batch the sangrita. I decided to use oleo because orange juice is rather rubbish most of the time, giving it a more complete flavor profile with the use of the peels seemed sporting enough.

Orange Oleo Grenadine:
160g Pom Juice (1 Pomegrainite)
60g Orange Oleo (3-4 Oranges)
40g white sugar

To make the oleo (I know many of you have made this before, but my two cents here), I’m confident in saying that I can’t taste any differnce between resting the oleo for 24 hours in a fridge (or longer), using a sous-vide for 90min at 55c (131f) or just blasting the peels in a dishwasher for 3 mins in a vac bag untill the sugar is no longer a grain. Honestly I just do the latter for this grenadine and it works a charm - but you can make it however you like.

I’ve not yet had a chance to play with different Hot Sauces but the sauce i’ve used here is Tapatio and the balance is pretty decent. The intention of the original article seems to include smokey and aromatic peppers, heat as well as flavor, arbol and pequin seem to be that direction and I can imagine they work beautifully, once i’ve tried that i’ll write home about it but that may be a while away.

For a batch of the Sangrita. 700ml~ yeild
290ml Orange (3 ~ 4 Navel Oranges) (Strain through a nut milk bag to remove all the pulp)
250ml limeLime (10~ limes)
150ml Orange Oleo Grenadine
30ml Tapatio (or cholula or just make your own)
a generous sprinkle of salt.
Mix with a spoon - blending will give you a decent foam and you’ll have to skim it off before bottling.

Serve chilled.

I’ve been serving these with a lime wedge but i dont think it’s vital, it just gives a great feeling to it.
i’ll be trying it in the drinks jesse posted as well - i may review them here at a later date.
This stuff is lovely - mixed equally with tequila “El vampiro” is fantastic too!


:rofl: Never thought of this approach. Doesn’t seem energy efficient, but I’m not surprised it works.

Your sangrita sounds magnificent and elevated way above the norm.

I say dishwasher, but I mean the glass washer at the bar, usually along side a whole bunch of containers and things i’ve been using to prep at the same time - it’s probably not energy efficient, I don’t do it for a lot of my bulk oleos when i know they’re going to be in a cool room for 24+ or up to a week but I definitely make exceptions for things I need to be able to batch fast and with low shelf life.

Your sangrita sounds magnificent and elevated way above the norm.

Thank you! though I don’t feel ready to call it my sangrita recipe yet - i’m just mashing recipes together and seeing what works, i don’t ever feel smart enough to come up with this stuff. i have no idea how jeffrey came up with his template as the wikkipedia entry is just his too and he’s the reference for the traditional style.


Just for the record, here’s the Sangrita recipe from Sauza’s 1950s Tequila Cocktails pamphlet:

“Sangrita” Chaser
Juice of 8 oranges
Juice of 3 limes
1 12 oz. can tomato juice
1 Teaspoon of sugar
Drops of Tabasco sauce
Dash of white pepper and salt.