Titanic Cocktail Menu

I found this Titanic Cocktail menu on Reddit while trying to research the cocktails served. I dont know if this is a replica or something that reproduced from a preserved copy, but the prices seem high for 1912. (I know it was a luxury liner but still). Also, a lot of these cocktails I cannot find much about like TRINITY or LONE TREE, they only appear after the Titanic sank/post prohibition. Any thoughts and/or resources? I did check the database here, only Orange Blossom came up. The others we know (Martini, Sidecar, Clover Club, etc). Curious to know more, thanks!

PS - Also, I am curious to what these other bottles of “Spirits” were in aside from the usual.

The Titanic manifest states that there were at least 850 bottles of spirits including17 cases of cognac, 70 cases of wine and 191 cases of liquor.

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Wasn’t the Titanic at the bottom of the ocean before the Sidecar emerged?

Yeah, if this is an actual White Star Line drink menu and not a fabrication, it’s from the early 1930s—they were out of business in 1934. Definitely not a Titanic drink menu.

Both the Trinity and Lone Tree are Martinis. Here are recipes for both from Harry McElhone’s 1923 ABC:


I couldn’t easily drum up an earlier drinks menu from the Titanic years, but I found this, so at the very least, some collectors have menus from the Olympic.

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Hi all,
I was wondering when this would pop up!
Veronica Hinke was pitched and wrote an entire book based on this article.
I think I do have a menu somewhere and more notes. I’ll try to fill the holes by the end of the week.


Frank, did you ever find that menu? I can’t find any pictures of the 1911 Olympic menu anywhere online, just the fake one that started the post. Has anyone actually seen it? Do we know anything other than Manhattan, John Collins, Tom Collins and apparently Punch a la Romaine?

Sorry folks. My memory was incorrect as after I searched for what I thought was a drink menu and couldn’t find it, I asked Veronica if she had one and she said that the did not find a cocktail list in her research and believes that they came later. I would think especially regarding modes of travel, no matter the luxury.

Ah well. Seems I am doomed to have the 1911 Olympic menu be my white whale!

Anyone have any preferred books/resources about what people were drinking in the early 1900s, pre-Prohibition? Or favorite drinks invented in the 1900-1918 period? A lot of the most famous classics pre-date that, so what was in vogue in the early 1900s?

There are many Pre-Prohibition books (as this site can attest to), here’s a good place to start…